
Part production

Our goal is smooth serial production. To achieve this, we ensure in our in-house toolmaking facilities that every tool is fully tested before delivery. Our quality management checks the pilot series parts manufactured for conformity with the defined customer requirements and logs the determined values. In this way, we document the precision of our tool and enable you to achieve reliable injection moulding productions.

With our growing inventory of injection moulding machines, we can not only produce overmould connectors, respiratory masks and oil filter components - on our two-colour machines, the use of electric turntables also makes the production of complex multi-component moulded parts no problem. However, through close cooperation with various machine manufacturers, we also produce automated production cells so that we can manufacture individual part configurations in series.

We produce exclusively on Engel and Arburg machines with up to 500 tons clamping force.

We are sure you have already seen the results of our work without realising it. Whether technical parts for the automotive industry, respiratory masks for medical technology, multi-component gaskets in the consumer goods sector or handles for many bricklaying and tiling tools: We not only supply you with the necessary injection moulding tools, but also produce high quality items just in time for you.

Speed and process reliability are also key factors in injection moulding production. In order to ensure economic efficiency, we already pay close attention to the design of mould making and the use of precise tool technology. The precision delivered here continues later in the production of plastic parts.

© 2025 Kronen-Hansa-Werk GmbH & Co. KG